well kept

Years ago, longtime Canadian friends Natalie Farrell and Emilie Johnson decided to change their lives‚ starting with their bathrooms! They started simply, transitioning major bathrooms necessities like toothbrushes into items made from more natural materials. But they made a huge realization: their razors were part of the problem! Disposable, ugly (let's be real!), expensive, and made of non-renewable plastic materials, traditional razors were both wasteful and not practical for this new stage of their lives. So, they decided to take matters into their own hands and create a better razor!

Farrell, a marketing consultant, and Johnson, a woodworker, came together to create a product that makes shaving a more enjoyable, and meaningful experience. They put their brains together, conducted research, and tested thousands of unique products to ensure they were finding the best and brightest alternative to conventional razors. And from there‚ well kept was born and blossomed!

Starting with the classic straight razor, a more sustainable, but inexpensive, way to shave, well kept has grown to include other bath and body essentials from exfoliating washcloths for pre-shave, to nourishing oils for post-shave irritation. Time taking care of yourself is always time well spent. Take care of yourself, and our planet, with the eco-friendly and ethical products from well kept!
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Single Serve Ivory Bath Soaking Salts
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Single Serve Ivory Bath Soaking Salts

well kept

$5.00 $9.99